At Wilson Middle School, we believe that education is the shared responsibility of the school, home, and the community and that the learning environment should be one of security, dignity, and respect.
Wilson offers 25-minute intervention periods five days per week that offer re-teaching of critical skills and learning expectations to students who have shown deficits. During this time, students who have proven their understanding of essential learning items have the opportunity to participate in enrichment opportunities in core and non-core areas. Every student is assigned to a location.
In addition, we offer program for academic and creative talent (PACT) programming to sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students, an advanced math course for sixth grade students, and several sections of core instruction where teachers co-teach to provide additional teaching resources to all students.
A number of co-curricular activities are available for students who attend Wilson Middle School. Competitive athletics for students in seventh and eighth grade, instrumental and vocal music ensembles that perform publicly throughout the year, a competitive show choir, intramural activities for sixth grade students, and clubs and organizations, such as art club, theatre, drama, and student leadership.
Wilson Middle School’s parent teacher student organization (PTSO), which supports in-class and classroom initiatives and does a fundraiser each year, supports students in a variety of ways. They also have a booster organization that supports Wilson’s co-curricular programs and athletic teams with fundraisers and other school and community functions.