CRCSD Alert - No school for students on Friday, September 20th. Classes will resume on Monday, September 23rd.
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At Wilson Middle School, there are three levels of orchestra: beginning (sixth grade), intermediate (seventh and eighth grade), and advanced (seventh and eighth grade). Each orchestra meets two to three times each week and all students have a weekly lesson. In the orchestra rehearsals, we work on fundamentals of reading music (a foreign language!), technique (the act of holding and playing the instrument), and ensemble skills (playing as a team).

In lessons, each student gets individualized instruction designed to make continuous progress on their chosen instrument.

We come together to present our learning in concert format. It is time to celebrate the hard work that goes into our learning! There are three concerts each year and other performance opportunities like metro honor orchestra in the Paramount Theater, city music contest (chamber music for a rating), and some ideas currently in development.

Who knows? You may be a future professional musician! At the very least, you will have fun learning and making new friends. All it takes is patience, persistence, and hard work.

Be a part of the Wilson orchestra!

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